

Aircraft overhaul



APU AI-9V overhaul APU AI-9V overhaul APU Overhaul department APU Test station APU Test station Armament overhaul Galvanic department Generator rebuild Helicopter main gearbox disassembly Helicopter main gearbox final assembly before test trial Helicopter main gearbox overhaul Helicopter main gearbox overhaul Landing gear overhaul Library with technical documentation Test station helicopter main gearbox and engines Test station helicopter main gearbox and engines Test station helicopter main gearbox and engines Three dimensional measuring machine

„Avionams“ JSC, 2 “Tsar Simeon” str., 4023 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
phone: +359 32 62 89 84, факс: +359 32 63 21 75
e-mail: office.pld@avionams.com
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